Concrete construction
We offer comprehensive concrete construction services for large industrial and renewable energy projects. We also build and repair bridges.
We offer comprehensive concrete construction services for large industrial and renewable energy projects. We also build and repair bridges.
We offer comprehensive concrete construction services that meet the requirements of even the most challenging infrastructure construction applications.
We have expertise in concrete and element structures, foundation and floor casting and slip forming for industrial facilities and power plants. In addition, we carry out bridge construction and repair in urban areas and on transport routes.
In industrial projects, we often perform both foundation and concrete structure construction. This way we can utilise our project management resources and expertise in demanding and complex sites and conditions, resulting in seamless coordination of work at different stages of the project.
We have carried out concrete construction in numerous industrial and power plant projects, such as Metsä Group’s bioproduct mill in Kemi, Helen's bioenergy heating plants in Vuosaari and Salmisaari, and Remeo's recycling plant in Vantaa. Our bridge construction projects include Highway 45 and Koskenmäentie junction and Mossin park road in Tampere.
If you have any questions, need more information about our services or would like to send a request for tender, you can use this form to contact us.
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