Louhintahiekka is a civil engineering expert
With 50 years of experience, we create sustainable foundations for people's lives, across generations.
We build and develop infrastructure for the needs of society, industry and renewable energy. We offer comprehensive infrastructure and concrete construction services as well as solutions for circular economy. Our special expertise lies in complex and technically demanding construction projects.
We want to build Finland that attracts interesting international investments and where people enjoy living, working, and going from place to place.

Interested in being an infrastructure expert?
We don't have A and B teams. Every single member of the Louhintahiekka team – including our management – is genuinely involved in our projects. As an employer, we offer a clear direction for the future, interesting and challenging projects, and modern and encouraging leadership practices.
We are constantly looking for professionals who want to create sustainable foundations for people’s lives, whether you are at the beginning of your career or already an experienced infrastructure expert.
Please see our open positions below or send us an open application.
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